欧洲杯(UEFA European Championship)是一项备受瞩目的国际足球盛会。The UEFA European Championship, a significant international football event, is marked by a set of essential rules:
主办国的队伍自动获得最终阶段的比赛资格,而其他国家则需经过层层筛选。The hosting team directly enters the final stage, while other teams must go through a series of preliminary and qualifying rounds to participate.
在预选赛和资格赛阶段,各队伍被分入不同小组,并采用双循环积分制进行比赛。During the qualification stage, teams are divided into groups for a double round-robin competition, with the top teams and the best-performing teams advancing.
小组赛阶段,每个小组包括四支队伍,它们在三轮90分钟的单循环比赛中角逐。In the group stage, each group consists of four teams competing in a single round-robin format over three rounds of 90-minute matches.
如果小组内队伍积分相同,其晋级名额将依据相互间的比赛结果来确定。If teams within a group have the same points, their advancement is determined by the results of their head-to-head matches.
淘汰赛阶段包括16强、8强、4强,以及最终的决赛,主要采用单场淘汰制,但也包括少数两回合比赛。The knockout stage, including the round of 16, quarter-finals, semi-finals, and the final, primarily features single-elimination matches, with some being two-legged ties.
在标准的90分钟比赛时间内如果无法分出胜负,比赛将进入两个15分钟的加时赛阶段。If a clear winner is not determined within the standard 90 minutes, the match proceeds to two 15-minute periods of extra time.
如果加时赛后仍未决出胜者,比赛将进入点球大战,直至最后决出胜队。If the tie persists after extra time, the match is decided by a penalty shootout until a winner emerges.
正式比赛的时间为90分钟,分为上下两个45分钟的半场,并有15分钟的中场休息时间。An official match lasts 90 minutes, divided into two 45-minute halves with a 15-minute halftime interval.
每队最多允许三名替补球员参与比赛。Each team is allowed a maximum of three substitutes during a match.
比赛中的犯规行为将根据其性质受到相应的处罚,包括黄牌、红牌以及可能的罚球或其他处罚。Fouls committed during the match are penalized according to their nature, including yellow cards, red cards, and possible penalty kicks or other sanctions.
以上就是关于欧洲杯的主要规则与细节,不过请注意,具体规则可能会随着时间的推移而有所调整。The above outlines the primary regulations and details of the UEFA European Championship; however, it's important to note that specific rules may evolve over time.
在准备参与或观赏欧洲杯比赛时,建议参照最新的官方指南或公告以获取最准确的信息。When preparing to participate in or watch the UEFA European Championship, it's recommended to refer to the latest official guidelines or announcements for the most accurate information.